I’ve taken a look inside recently.
I booked a somatic session with a friend and holistic healer Allison Lorne, and we talked about aging, about menopause, about the wonderful and wildly active and protective Crone energy I have been exploring lately. The somatic journey of letting one’s body direct the narrative is highly interesting, especially as someone who hasn’t felt a true body connection in this life.
I mean, I dance, do yoga, I love fashion and dressing up, hugging and just everything, but even with all that I can’t say I have ever just felt comfortable, or ‘in’ my body. Learning to listen and see and feel where the physical senses lead us is absolutely fascinating. Because what comes up in the sensations, my mind seeks to describe and process. The connection is deep between the two and though I always ‘know’ it’s there, I have to be reminded in sessions such as these, just how so it really is.
To condense the experience, my high alert response system in my being was the main focus at first in my somatic session. When I am saying I am on high alert all the time, I MEAN IT! A sudden sound or movement will get a gasp or fright response from me. (ask my partner!) As I stuck with where I felt this in my body I was able to visualize what I was on high alert for. I was watching for danger. I was protecting the child who wasn’t protected, who wasn’t heard, or had autonomy, or feelings respected. I am constantly protecting her.
When I pictured her visually, she was young, she was curled up on pink satin bedding, her shape resembled a yin/yang symbol, she had long blonde hair, a pink and blue dress. She is the softness within me. I feel I still have to ‘protect’ her, but it’s different now. That child is now in her 60’s. She’s a badass. She can face the hard things, she learns and grows. She defies her lineage before her, she is different than those around her, her strengths cannot be measured in modern terms. She is still soft. Maybe the dynamic is more ‘tending to’ her now, instead of protecting her.
Tend to your softness within. This is the super love. In turn you will be the super lover the world needs.
“The night so cold
Who among us dreams the dawn?
Who could count the flowers in your heart?
Believe what you will believe
They're gonna tell you it's naive
To be a super lover
Are you a super lover?
Birds of Chicago/Allison Russell
To explore more holistic healing and somatic work with Allison Lorne please visit: https://www.instagram.com/allison_lorne_cnm/